Wednesday, February 03, 2010

LOST returns

wow, love Lost, still trying to figure this out!!
the bomb blast that ended last season leaves them on the island but they do move in time from 1977 to 2007!
but they are simultaneously back on the Oceanic 815 and it doesnt crash!!
so they land in LA and now there are parallel lives for all the castaways. Kate with the Marshall trying to escape, Jack havin to bury his dad, and if you hate airline baggage handlers as it is, how about if they lose your Father in his coffin! Stay tuned for Airport Drama!  John meets Jack in lost baggage. Charlie now alive fails to kill himself, but gets arrested. Sawyer meets Hurley and senses a mark for a future con!  Why would Jack see Desmond, Desmond was never on that flight!
so we have to figure out this parallel universe thing.

man in black, Jacobs rival and nemesis is the smoke monster, has taken the appearance of John Locke. These two have supernatural powers as some divine beings.

These people in the Temple are Others, and linked to Richard and Ben.  Where have they been all this time?   Clearly they are supporters and loyal to Jacob. Smoke Monster is coming for them next. 

The narrative needs to marry the two parallel story lines. which castaway line will last at the end. Jack in LA years ago? or Jack on the island now?


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