Wednesday, April 26, 2006

What Can We Do?

The Bush Administration has made mince meat of their mandate to govern. What a mess. Most of their support came from fiscal conservatives hunting for tax breaks, big business looking for both tax breaks and loosening of regulations ( so they can save money for example by polluting more ) and evangelical Christians who wanted assurances the government wouldnt allow gay marriage, would encourage prayer in schools, would cut into gay rights, and would push for judicial appointments who would strike down Roe v. Wade eventually--outlawing abortion. What have we gotten in our leadership in Washington? A very lax and uncoordinated response to the largest natural disaster to strike a large American city. Let us not forget a New Orleans underwater for two weeks. Lies and deception to support a war that was only about one thing: regime change. We have lost so many good men to replace a dictator and create a very unstable region that won't be solved for 10 or 20 years, if ever. We are spending billions over there every couple of weeks! There werent ever any WMD. There wasn t any link between Saddam and Al-Queada. Terrorists werent operating out of Iraq. We were lied to. when someone like Joseph Wilson stepped up to voice dissent to the policy, the President and the Vice President leaked his wife's name to the press to destroy her career. We have no good plan on oil, on energy conservation, on the economy, on the war, on China, on education, on health care. We need leaders. We need someone to motivate us and to have ideas.
We need new leadership to help clean up the mess of the Bush 8 years. I dont know who it is. But i am looking for that person.


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